Nibs and ink erasers once again

January 10, 2009 § 1 Comment


I’ve had it happen a few times, that readers of this blog contacted me to ask me where they can get nibs and and/or ink erasers. Tough question, I know of only a few stores within the US that carry Lamys, but none where you could by the erasers. So those of you who really want an ink eraser/eradicator and a special nib (only steel!) and who do not fear the high shipping costs from the EU to the US (around 10$) just contact me. I cannot promise that I will be able to get the nib you want, but I will try.

What is an ink eraser?

September 22, 2008 § 13 Comments

Sorry for not updating my blog in a long time, but I have been on holidays the last couple of weeks and far away from my computer :).

Nevertheless it was nice to find some new comments here … and I’ll try my best to answer your questions.

So, what exactly is an ink eraser? It’s a tool to erase (erasable) blue ink.

Most ink erasers will basically look like that:

Ink eraser (in front)

It has two different tips, one is a white/clear fiber tip which is used for erasing:

erasing fiber tip

Ink eraser: erasing fiber tip

whereas the other tip is a blue fine-liner tip used for writing.

writing tip

Ink eraser: writing tip

Now, let’s say you wrote something and made a mistake, just like that



you can erase the wrong parts using the white tip

Correcting mistakes... ^^
Much better now, but still not perfect -__-

Much better now, but still not perfect -__-

And afterwards correct it, using the blue writing tip


It’s very easy ^^!

Ink eraser work only with erasable inks and at this time there are only blue ink colors that are erasable. You should be able to buy ink erasers in all those shops that carry pens and erasable inks or you could just try ebay, too.

Ink erasers are meant for those people who write with pens, however, there are of course even some weird and creative ideas for those who love to sketch with their pen. You can correct little mistakes in your line drawings (if you really care for…) or you can do negative drawings just like the one below 😉

Negative drawing

Negative drawing

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