Routine – day 2

July 2, 2009 § 1 Comment

Routine - day 2

Routine - day 2

An important aspect of routine actions is time. Usually most of the actions that are done as a daily routine are connected to time – either that they are being done on a special time of day or that they have to be accomplished in a certain amount of time.

Day 9 – and it’s already getting hard….

July 9, 2008 § 1 Comment

…but I won’t give up as easy either. Today’s work kept me busy from 8 am to 7 pm and I did not find much time for drawing, not even to mention painting. So here is one more sketch from my sketchbook. A little study done in colored pencil. The reason why there are so many little sketches in colored pencil here in my blog at the moment is that I just got myself a brand new set of Cd’A Luminance CPs. I choose the set with 36 pencils only, because I just can’t afford the complete set at the moment and I also would like to try them out, before I’m going to spend more money on them. So, my first impression? Well, they’re nice. Definitely softer than the Polys and also softer than the Pablos, but I wouldn’t say that they can really compare to the Prismas. The latter are still somewhat different, at least I do have  the impression, that I can blend the colors better when using the Prismacolor pencils. Yet, the Luminance do not have any wax bloom issues – and that’s important as well. Guess there are a few pros and cons to every brand…  😐

Three of Cranberries

July 7, 2008 § 1 Comment

Today was very busy, I finished only one little sketch in my sketchbook. Cranberries. (I think they also qualify for EDM challenge 178 – draw something red and for IF – sour) Cranberries, what are they actually good for? They are said to contain many vitamins, antioxidants and other chemical components that make them beneficial for the immune and the cardiovascular system (more information).
Many people use them for cooking as far as I know, but I haven’t done that until today. Still looking for a decent recipe.

Day two of the challenge: The Ace of Chocolate

July 2, 2008 § 2 Comments

Day two of the NaBloPoMo has arrived. Today’s card has the title “Ace of Chocolate”. Yes, it’s a delicious piece of almond-nougat wrapped um in some golden paper. No, actually I should have said that it was a delicious piece of chocolate, before I left it in front of my window where the hot sun melted it completely this afternoon 😦 .

What would you say, does chocolate qualify as food? Some people regard it as semi-luxury food, others try to avoid it completely because of health reasons. On the other side, there are some scientists claiming that dark chocolate is good for your vascular system and your heart. So maybe it isn’t that bad after all?

I’ve drawn the Two Of Cherries

July 1, 2008 § 3 Comments

Another little ACEO. Colored Pencil on a pastel-ground primed card. Yes, I know that most serious people would just cut their paper/board to fit the card-size, whereas I like to take original playing cards and prime them with primer to get a nice support for drawing 8).

Since I neglected this little blog of mine so badly over the last weeks, I’ll try to do better this month. That’s why I decided to join NaBloPoMo this month. I’m going to paint or draw one little ACEO every evening. The main theme will be “food”. I hope to be able to keep this thing going till the end of  this month. C U tomorrow!

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